In Luke Mitchell's initial statement, given to DC Alan Towers, at Dalkeith police, in the early hours of 1 July, 2023, he testified: I was walking quite fast. I was almost up to the top of the path at Easthouses when I met Jodi's gran, her sister Janine and her fiancé, Steven. They asked me if I had seen her and I said no. They were quite panicky and they had torches with them and they were looking round. I asked them if they had anything of Jodi's that she had worn to get the scent for the dog to follow. A friend of ours who trained dogs in the Army, he partly trained Mia. Mia was our own dog. She hadn't been a working dog. We kept together walking down the path again. I was in front with the dog. I said to Mia, 'Find Jodi. Where's Jodi? She's hiding. Seek it. I kept repeating this to the dog. Mia kept (inaudible) going down the path. In order to track a scent, Mia required a 'target' and indeed an item of clothing would have been ideal. Mia didn...