It seems to have been DS Craig Dobbie, in a press briefing next morning and circulated by the Press Association:

Press Association

The Guardian

Tue 1 Jul 2003 12.29 EDT

_Police shocked at violent murder of teenager_

The body of a murdered teenager was found by members of her family shortly after she went missing, police said today.

Detective Superintendent Craig Dobbie, who is leading the investigation into the killing of 14-year-old Jodi Jones, told a press briefing that she was found in a wooded area behind a school in Dalkeith, Midlothian, by relatives who had alerted police to her disappearance.

"It's one of the most violent crimes I have experienced in my 28 years as a police officer," Mr Dobbie told reporters.

He said Jodi had left home at about 5.30pm and had been due back at 10pm. When she Failed to return, it is understood her mother phoned around friends before contacting the police.


"We would particularly appeal to anyone who uses this path, or was near it, between 5pm and 10pm last night to contact the incident room."

(End of extract)


The latter reference to "between 5pm and 10pm", seems to have resulted in confusion, as some newspaper articles within the next few days, report the time of Jodi leaving, as 5 p.m., whilst others maintain it to be 5:30 p.m., for example:

'The Mirror'

Wednesday, 3 July 

"It is believed she was seized shortly after leaving her house at around 5.30pm".

Quoting from the trial transcript of Allen Ovens, partner of Judith Jones, Jodi's mother:

Jodi left when I was in the toilet.

I see. How did you know that?

I heard the door bang.

You heard the door bang. All right. Now, having formed an estimate of the time that you returned home, Mr Ovens, namely about 4.40 pm/twenty-to-five, is it  possible, thinking back to the time you were getting changed and getting washed to give an estimate of what time you heard the door bang?

I would think between quarter and ten-to.

Quarter and ten-to?


(End of extract)

There were differing times given in various statements by Mr Ovens and in his original account, he went to wash up at 5:10 p.m., during which he heard the front door closing.

The final outcome is statedly an estimate, based on CCTV footage from a local Tesco garage at 4:31 p.m. and assumptions then derived.

Ultimately, it remains unresolved why our initial press briefing, informed the media that Jodi had left home, at 5:30 p.m.

However, we may have an explanation for the following, with regard to the recreation, on Sunday 7 July, of Jodi's last known movements:

'Daily Record'

Monday, 8 July

"The reconstruction began at exactly 4.55pm - a week to the minute since Jodi was last seen alive near her home in Easthouses, Midlothian".

Why specifically 4:55 p.m.?

Do the police already have complete trust in the statement given by Andrina Bryson, on Wednesday 4 July?

Quoting from the trial transcript:

And if we add 5 minutes on again for packing and getting to the car, I believe we'd get ourselves 16:54. 5 to 5?


There is only 5 minutes between the two. So somewhere around about 10 to 5, 5 to 5, give or take a couple of minutes?


Do you remember, Mrs Bryson, when you first contacted the police about seeing these two (incomprehensible)?

I do, yeah, I do, yes.

When was that?

It was the Tuesday and I had gone out to work and I think I was possibly at a client's house. I think it was on TV or I don't remember exactly how, but I realised I had passed that day (incomprehensible).


You would learn the next day, the Tuesday, that there had been a killing ?


And you decided that you would contact the police?


And they came, I think, on the Wednesday to take a statement from you ? (Incomprehensible).

And they came to your house to do that ?

They did, yeah.

(End of extract)

Should that be the situation and time of Jodi leaving, resultantly being influenced, it consequently impacts on the purported time of death being 5:15 p.m.

How reliable would you consider the aforementioned evidence, encompassing all therein, to be?

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