The newly published trial transcripts from cyclists, Dean Houston and Grant Elliott, are of immense significance:

Dean Houston and Grant Elliott

Prior to this crucial evidence, we were reliant solely on the testimony of the other cyclist in the trio, Andrew Holburn, who described Luke as wearing a dark green, army style shirt and categorically, not a bomber jacket.

Luke denied owning such a thing, until his mother, Corinne, purchased a German army shirt for him, shortly after Jodi's murder 

Corinne, on the other hand, stated that Luke did own a German army shirt at the time of Jodi's murder and it had been taken by the police, amongst other items of clothing.

The following is presently, purely an exercise

These are the timings used and rounded up/down to allow for an approximation, which is hopefully easier to follow:

18 min from house to top of path


08 min from house to path entrance

10 min from entrance to top of path

= 18 min

12 min from house to murder scene

06 min from murder scene to top of path

= 18 min

08 min from house to path entrance

04 min from entrance to murder scene

06 min from mur. scene to top of path

= 18 min

02 min from house to Barndale Cottages

06 min from Barndale Cottages to the path entrance.

04 min from entrance to murder scene

06 min from murder scene to top of path

= 18 min

02 min from house to Barndale Cottages

08 min from Barndale Cottages to murder scene

06 min from murder scene to top of path

= 18 min

The confirmation of Luke seen wearing his green bomber jacket at Barondale Cottages, circa 18:00, means the Walsh/Fleming sighting at same location, circa 17:42 is surely also of Luke.

If culpable and please note this is a 'what if?' undertaking, Luke's first attempted bogus call to Jodi's landline at 17:32, i.e., "Has Jodi left?", implies Jodi is deceased by then.

An approx 8 minutes walk from murder location to Barondale Cottages, means Luke made that call from near the crime scene, i.e.:

5:32  Luke phones Jodi's landline

5:34  Luke leaves murder scene

0:08  travel time to Barondale Cott.

5:40  Luke phones Jodi's landline

5:42  Luke is seen at Barondale Cott.

Luke has to leave the murder scene as late as conceivable, to be observed at 5:42, otherwise, there is insufficient time available for all which must have transpired at the murder scene.

Even then, it requires Luke to have left home shortly after the text exchange.

The timeline:

4:38  Luke receives last text

4:45  Luke leaves house

0:12  travel time to murder scene

4:57  Luke arrives at murder scene

However, we have to account for Jodi's timeline and as Jodi was statedly a slow walker, add on a couple of minutes for Jodi to reach the murder scene, i.e., 8 minutes, instead of 6:

4:50  Jodi leaves house

4:55  Jodi arrives at top of path

0:08  travel time to murder scene

5:03  Jodi arrives at murder scene


5:03  Jodi arrives at murder scene

4:57  Luke arrives at murder scene

This leaves around 30 minutes, to encompass all which occurred, until:

5:34  Luke leaves murder scene

There is an alternative scenario, which would theoretically bring into play, Andrina Bryson's reported sighting:

If Luke left immediately after the text exchange, 5 minutes earlier:

4:38  Luke receives last text

4:40  Luke leaves house

0:18  travel time to top of path

4:58  Luke arrives at top of path

The exact time for Andrina Bryson's sighting is unknown, seemingly around 4:55 and this would not be far off, within a reasonable parameter.


4:55  Jodi arrives at top of path

4:58  Luke arrives at top of path

Both walk back down the path, perhaps having gone through the wall break at top of Roan's Dyke Path, to have a smoke at the spot we know they had frequented and their initials carved on a tree.

It would explain why there was cannabis in Jodi's system.

If they continued down that woodland path, it leads to the murder scene.

It's the route which Luke voluntarily advised DC Michelle Lindsay, that Jodi would have taken, even drawing her a sketch. Luke did, however, tell DC Lindsay that he had never walked down this woodlands path all the way to where the murder scene was located.

As emphasised, this is entirely conjecture and will be subject to revision.

Obvious issues include the apparent absence of any bloodstained clothing and thanks to the invaluable Dean Houston and Grant Elliott trial transcripts, we can now strongly evidence that Luke was wearing the same clothes, when he later met up with David High.

Also problematic, is that Corinne, Luke's mother, must have been complicit, together with Luke, in fabricating the story of Luke making the family dinner, before heading out at 5:30 to wait for Jodi.

If Luke did indeed put on the steak pies and when Corinne came home from work at 5:15, he truly was draining the potatoes and next 'mashing the tatties', then there is seemingly no opportunity for Luke to have killed Jodi.

He could not, for example, have done so and returned home in time to be witnessed at 5:15,  making the dinner.

The 12 minutes journey time from crime scene to being back home for 5.15, necessitates Luke having to leave the location around 5:03, at which point, Jodi would not even have reached the 'V-shaped' break vicinity.

The above will be subject to updating, as both new and existing evidential case  material is further contemplated and assimilated.




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