We know that DC Michelle Lindsay, was appointed Family Liaison Officer (FLO), to the Mitchell family.

Related trial transcripts confirm that when appearing in court on 20 December, 2004, DC Lindsay's testimony included the following dialogue:

Were you there the next day, Wednesday 2nd July?

That's correct sir,

And on the Wednesday when you were present, was there a news item on the television concerning the death of jodi Jones ?

That's correct sir.

And did you see that in the middle of the house?

I did see it.

And was Like Mitchell present at that time?

He was sir.

And did you speak to Luke about the content of the news programme?

I did.


(End of extract)

Resulting from a point of law being raised by Donald Findlay QC, acting on behalf of Luke's defence, the proceedings were carried over until next day and continued as follows:

Was there a news item on the television?

That's correct sir.

And did the news item concern the killing of Jodi Jones?

It did sir.

Alright. As a consequence of that did you ask Luke Mitchell a question?

I did sir.

What was the question?

The question was, what way would jodi Jones walk to come down and see him.

Alright. And did he give you an answer to that?

He did, yes


And did he do anything else to explain the route that she would have taken?

Yes, he offered to draw me sketches of the route.


From what he said, he said that it wasn't a very good path because you could (incomprehensible) on it...

And I asked him, from what you're saying, it sounds as though. you've been down that route. Which he said he hadn't, he'd only been (incomprehensible) very short (incomprehensible).

I see, right. But he's drawn, as a marking of the route, the arrows all the way down the inside of the path to where the marked X, "Body found", is?

That's correct, but I didn't get into a discussion with him about that sir.

I understand that. I'm just trying to understand what it is that he appears to have depicted. And he has depicted a route down the inside of the wall and the woodland side of the wall, and he has depicted that by the arrows. Is that right?

That's what I understood, yes.

Then the arrows go all the way down to the X and to the words, "Body found"?

That's correct sir.


Is that another word there I'm not sure I can read it properly just to the bottom right of the map. Yes. What does that say there? Fence... I can't make out, I'm sorry, the second word, but between fields.

Yes. "Fence between fields"

And is there a marking by way of two or three horizontal lines. Just below the word, "Fence"?

Yes there is sir.

Alright. And that's at point on the sketch map below where the body was found?

That's correct sir.

(End of extract)

This has always puzzled, as surely Jodi would have chosen the less secluded, Roan's Dyke Path, itself.

However, I have unearthed an early newspaper article, which features a claim I have never seen before and if factual, has a major impact on our accepted understanding.

Dating from Friday 4 July, 2003 and published by the Daily Record, this contains related information provided by the police and which is implied as originating from a reliable source:

Daily Record, 4 July 2003

Might we have a connecting to DC Lindsay and additional conversations with Luke, which never came up at trial?

I am unaware of this potentially critical, investigation development, ever being heard by the jury.

Presumably Lothian and Borders police had revealed these results of their ongoing investigation on Thursday, 4 July, the day prior to publication.

Other than Luke, who else, only 4 days after Jodi's murder, on 30 June, would possess such precise knowledge, as claimed:

"It is thought the reason she went that way was because she had planned to cut across Talbot Park - a more direct route to Luke's home and one she had taken many times".

The following map, compiled with local knowledge input from Luke's mother, Corinne, will hopefully be helpful:

Naturally, we have to be careful here, as it is, unless anyone can confirm otherwise, unsubstantiated (hence 'question mark' in title).

Replies to this blog have therefore been enabled.

Should the,assertions be factual, then a rethink with regards to consequential possibilities, would clearly be required.

What if, for example, Jodi would sometimes go down Roan's Dyke Path until reaching the 'V-shaped' wall break, climb over and then take the Talbot Park shortcut..

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