Quoting Corrine Mitchell's initial, related, statement, as given to DC Michelle Lindsay, on 6 July, 2003 and read out in court:

When I got home Luke was in the kitchen first of all. Luke then strained the potatoes and mashed them. At that point I think Shane came in and I could smell the pies in the oven and I asked one of them to take them out, commenting that Luke had overdone them.

(End of extract)

Shane's statement, as given to DC Michelle Lindsay, on 7 July, 2003 and also heard in court:

I went into the hallway, I shouted out hello and went straight upstairs to the bathroom to wash my hands.

I was only upstairs for 5 minutes and came straight back down.

Afterwards I went downstairs into the living room and then through to the kitchen.

( ...)

Luke was standing at the cooker mashing the tatties...

I could smell burnt steak pies. It was a tinge in the smell. I said alright to Luke. I didn't mention the burnt.. the burning smell as I didn't want to insult him.


(End of extract)

Both are in agreement, that Shane came into the kitchen, at the point where the steak pies were noticeably overdone and Luke was straining the potatoes, or mashing them.

Unfortunately, that is the only extract heard, from Corinne's interview with DC Lindsay.

However, Corinne does expand upon the details:

Quoting related trial transcripts:

What did you do when you arrived home? 

The first thing I did was put my briefcase and bag in the cloakroom and then shouted hello to see who was going to answer me.

Okay. And did anyone answer you?

Shane shouted down, yes.


Shane shouted down?

Okay. So where was he?

He was upstairs in his room.


And so having done that, where do you go?

Went through to the kitchen.


Okay. Was anyone in the kitchen?


So by this time should we say (incomprehensible) quarter past 5?

No later. Maybe 2 minutes, but roundabout quarter past, 20 past.

Roundabout, okay. So at that time Luke was in the kitchen?


Okay. What then happened?

He asked for a second opinion on the broccoli, because I'd asked him to make broccoli. He wasn't happy (sic) with the colour and asked if it should be that colour and I said no, it should be green, so it got put in the bucket.

Right, so there was a bit of chat about domestic matters concerning the evening meal?



We discussed, instead of broccoli, what we wanted for a vegetable. He chose beans, so that was it really.


Okay. Did Shane join you or did someone take his up to him?

He came down to get his dinner and went straight back up to his bedroom.

(End of extract)

Additionally posted by Corinne on the Tapatalk forums:

Luke Mitchell (New Thread)

#2430 Jul 09, 2010

When I got home I went directly to the kitchen where I was confronted by Luke brandishing the broccoli! He asked if it should be that colour (it was turning yellowy) and I said no......bin the broccoli! He decided on beans it was a Monday and I do my weekly shop on a Tuesday there wasn't any other fresh veg. left.

Both Luke and I served up. I told Luke to shout Shane down as he was upstairs. Shane came down, complained to Luke he had burnt the pie, I told him it could be scraped off, it wasn't that bad. Shane returned upstairs armed with his dinner. Luke ate his in front of the TV and I decided to have mine on the patio as I had been cooped up in my office all day and not seen any sun.

After eating dinner I was preparing to do the dishes when Luke came into the kitchen and said that that was him off. I joked with him and said.....don't tell me...your seeing by this time Jodi had become more favourable than the cadets. I also suggested to him that he introduced his clothes to the washing machine as he had worn them for a couple of days. I got the usual teenage response...... Och mum!.....and "this is Jodis favourite t~shirt" I replied it wouldn't be much longer if it didn't get washed and with that I got another "och".....I'm off, see you later!

(End of extract)

Continuing with Shane's 7 July, 2003 statement, as documented by DC Michelle Lindsay:

When Luke was mashing the tatties that was the first time I'd seen my mum and Luke from coming into the house.

My mum described her day, the general things...

I can't remember what she said. I normally switch off, if she talks bad about a customer, ie if a customer doesn't like dogs she doesn't like them.

I went back upstairs, switched the computer on was about to log on to the internet and I got shouted down for dinner by Luke.

I'd only been upstairs for 5 minutes and didn't get onto the internet.

(End of extract).

It was subsequently admitted by Shane, that as confirmed by analysis of his computer, he had accessed computer porn on returning home at approximately 4:55 p.m.

Consequently, his account of arriving home and 5 minutes later being in the kitchen, when "Luke was standing at the cooker mashing the tatties", can not be correct.

It does not though, rule out the possibility this occurred later, after Corrine was home and would therefore agree with Corrine's recollection.

Where it becomes moreso complicated, is when Shane is questioned in court and challenges DC Lindsay's version of his 7 July testimony.

Quoting from Shane's trial transcripts:

When I was giving this statement to Michele Lindsay honestly couldn't remember, I was still shaken up. I genuinely couldn't remember what was happening. And she was prompting me, she says, right Shane. You had tatties for dinner. How did the tatties get there. Picture it in your mind's eye. Did you see your brother (incomprehensible). I said I don't know, I can't remember, he made the tea all of the night. She says think, think back to the night you were in your house. Can you picture Luke making tatties. I said yes, can picture Luke making tatties. And then she wrote down that Luke was making tatties.

Okay. So you would explain, Mr Mitchell, that this isn't a verbatim record of what you spoke?


This is a mixture of question and answer, is it?


Alright. Well however it came to be written down?


(End of extract)

There follows:

How can it be you gave information to police which was incorrect and then give information about mashing tatties and burnt pies.

Before you gave that statement did you discuss with anyone what you should say to police?

In a way.


My mother.


She said to me: ‘You came in and Luke was with us and we had tatties for dinner, then you went back out again".

(End of extract)

Essentially, Shane is claiming that he has no memory of these events.

How then, does DC Michelle Lindsay's record of their discussion, include the following, which incorporates significantly more detail from Shane, than being reminded what he had for dinner?:

Luke was standing at the cooker mashing the tatties.

Luke was still at the cooker mashing the tatties. I could smell burnt steak pies. It was a tinge in the smell. I said alright to Luke. I didn't mention the burnt.. the burning smell as I didn't want to insult him.

He was pretty happy, I spoke to him and my mum at that point.

When Luke was mashing the tatties that was the first time I'd seen my mum and Luke from coming into the house.

My mum described her day, the general things...

I can't remember what she said. I normally switch off, if she talks bad about a customer, ie if a customer doesn't like dogs she doesn't like them.

I went back upstairs, switched the computer on was about to log on to the internet and I got shouted down for dinner by Luke.

(End of extract)

Although, obviously, Shane is not admitting having logged on beforehand, aside from that though, does this raise questions as regards whether Luke was perhaps, in fact, at home and there is zero tangible evidence otherwise?

It is a divisive aspect, as evidenced in the following, example, transcript extracts:

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