

Regarding Sandra Lean's recent, YouTube 'Birthday bash Update' video, Sandra states: "So, I invite anybody who can be bothered to do so, to go back and listen to every word of my "recent" YouTube video, which was the 29th October, just so you can find it easily. I suggested that my 60th could, in part, be used as a fundraiser and  as an opportunity for us all to get together and have some fun. I made it absolutely clear, that I would have no part to do with anything to do with any money. I couldn't have made that any clearer and I did not, nowhere at any point, did I say the fundraising was for Luke Mitchell and you all know why; because it's not and never was".   Quoting Sandra from the 29th October video: "So... fundraising. I have a little idea. Let's see how you feel about it. So, this December, I am 60... (...) ... but I thought, wouldn't it be fun, if we had a big birthday bash, this December. Not for me! I don't want anyth


There is a vast amount of case material, available on an archived forum. On Android, it is seemingly only accessible using the Tapatalk app - not sure about other platforms. Run the app and search for, under DISCUSSIONS: Luke Mitchell - Postings now archived. See new thread. This contains 572 postings between: 16 May, 2009 - 5 May, 2010 Amongst the content is a considerable amount of detailed case evidence, cited and discussed by Sandra Lean, originally using an alias of 'Angeline'. Being relatively early, the focus is on case evidence at that point and particularly informative regarding the trial itself. Additionally, there is a significant involvement from Corinne Mitchell and this provides some insights, perhaps not available elsewhere. The following are all of Corinne's primary, related comments, dating from 2010. The use of (...), indicates further, separate postings, that same day. As extracts, this is regarded as 'fair use' in terms of copyright. 25 March For


24 September, 2023 'Bob Ruff podcast' During this discussion, Bob Ruff notes that 'court files', are readily available in the U.S., to which Sandra Lean responds: "No, they're not made public over here, at all. Certain documents, like the appeal documents, are made public, but that's it. And trial transcripts are massively expensive, hugely and although I have the defence papers, it's actually an offence for me to share them, to third parties who are not directly working on this case. So, if we were to put them on line, for example, they're gonna come through me. Simple as that and that's why I can take excerpts and I can show excerpts, but the minute I start to put full documents out, that's when I cross the line". Circa 4:45 minutes into the  full interview recording. 15 October, 2023 'Bob Ruff podcast' Sandra Lean begins: The first question is actually not on the list, it only came up in the last couple of days. You will reme


On 24th December, 2004,  the following article was published by NME : MARILYN MANSON DVD PLAYED IN MURDER TRIAL MARILYN MANSON’s DVD ‘THE GOLDEN AGE OF GROTESQUE’ was played in court yesterday (December 23) in the trial of a teenager accused of murdering schoolgirl JODI JONES. The DVD – which shows two girls tied together near a track and struggling as hoods were placed over their heads – was seized by police from the home of Luke Mitchell, 16, who denies murdering Jodi on June 30 last year. He told detectives he bought the DVD two days after 14-year-old Jodi’s naked and bloodstained body was found in woods near her home in Dalkeith, near Edinburgh. The High Court in Edinburgh was told that during the police interview on July 4 last year Mitchell also chatted about his musical interests, including Marilyn Manson. (...) He told Detective Constable Stephen Quinn: “It is a weird sort of gothic video.” Mitchell described the contents as “trancestyle”, with Manson “saying random words and s