Sandra Lean comments:

"Now one of the things that came up, was the cost and difficulty of getting these transcripts and a claim that I have lied about that.

On May 23rd, 2023, the Scottish Justice Committee, which is a cross-party group, looking at issues of justice, held a meeting, a discussion, about the difficulty and the cost, of people obtaining transcripts and they quoted specifically the rules about having to have good reason and the courts having to agree that that was good reason.

I didn't have the time to put the link in and I'll put it in below, later.

So, if they were having that discussion in May, 2023, what changed and when did it change?

Because I'm not thinking the justice committee would be sitting there, believing this is all really, really difficult and really expensive, when it wasn't (indecipherable - perhaps 'needed'?).

So, there's something going on there, that we don't know about".

I can't see any added link as mentioned, however, this would appear to be an irrelevant hearing which addresses a specific issue and surrounding confusion regarding access to court transcripts, such as:

"I had no idea that I was allowed to have access to them".

Associated link.

Sandra Lean continues:

"I was always told personally, can't put out the transcripts or the statements, or anything like that, that's always been the legal advice to me.

That's the advice I've taken.

I'm not taking the advice of some random on Facebook, over the legal advice I've been given on that front".

Is Sandra Lean seriously advocating, that for some fifteen years since her involvement, she has been given legal advice which incompetently, overlooked the following, during that entire fifteen year period?

Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995

This Act allows anyone who is not a person convicted at Trial to apply under this section of the Act to obtain a copy of a transcript for any part of the proceedings that has been held in open court. Open court is a court or trial to which members of the public can freely attend.


Confirmation link.

As regards addressing the significant, new evidential insight, revealed within increasingly voluminous, trial transcripts publications, much of which can be considered as supportive in relation to a miscarriage of justice and surely welcome...

"I have got to go to... what has been the biggest non-story of the last six months... and that has been the transcripts".

That is, of course, Sandra Lean's entitled opinion, although some perhaps will question, if the factual evidence therein, as opposed to what has been exposed otherwise, in numerous aspects within her 2018 book, 'Innocents Betrayed', might be 'influential'.

"Non-story of the last six-months"

All available evidence, would seem to emphasise, quite the contrary.

To reiterate:

"So, if they were having that discussion in May, 2023, what changed and when did it change?

Because I'm not thinking the justice committee would be sitting there, believing this is all really, really difficult and really expensive, when it wasn't (indecipherable - perhaps 'needed'?).

So, there's something going on there, that we don't know about".

Is Sandra Lean insinuating that the truth is, she could not publish trial transcripts herself, due to legal advice, which was verified by the Scottish government, so recently as May, 2023 and trial transcripts relating to Luke Mitchell's case have been illegally 'leaked', as part of a nefarious, ongoing conspiracy?

Judgement call, as always, a personal conclusion.


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