The following trial transcripts are now available online.

These naturally allow for an unbiased appraisal of case evidence, as presented at Luke's trial:

DC Alan Towers - Day 1

DC Alan Towers - Day 2

- Earliest documented evidence, as Luke Mitchell is interviewed at Dalkeith police station, directly following those fateful events, on the night of 30 July, 2003.

The 'search party':

Alice Walker

Janine Jones - Day 1

Janine Jones - Day 2

Steven Kelly - Day 1

Steven Kelly - Day 2

- How events unfolded, as family members met up with Luke to search for Jodi and proof that original statements confirmed Luke's alsatian, Mia, did react at the 'V-shaped' wall break, beyond which Jodi's body was discovered.

Corinne Mitchell - Day 1

Corinne Mitchell - Day 2

- Luke's mother relates her own account of events, which incorporates controversial claims related to a knife belonging to Luke and which eluded a police search.

Shane Mitchell - Day 1

Shane Mitchell - Day 2

Shane Mitchell - Day 3

- Luke's brother's critical evidence, regarding whether Luke's alibi of being at home making the tea, as claimed by both Luke and Corinne, plus originally Shane himself, can be validated, or evidentially challenged.

DS Craig Dobbie

- In overall charge of investigations and some debatable claims in relation to 'exemplary' crime scene management.

Alan Ovens

- Partner of Judith Jones and confirmation of Joseph Jones, Jodi's brother, remaining at home, after Jodi left to meet up with Luke.

Andrew Holburn

- Cyclist who claimed that Luke, identified by his companion bike riders, was witnessed circa 18:00 and described as wearing a type of 'army shirt' - definitely not a bomber jacket.

Other witnesses to perceived sightings of Luke at around the same time and their varying descriptions of clothing worn by Luke:

Andrina Bryson - Day 1

Andrina Bryson - Day 2

Carol Heatlie

Lorraine Fleming

Patrick Walsh

Rosemary Walsh

PC Anita Dow

- Details of discoveries made during a police search of Luke's bedroom.

David High

- A school friend;  with Jodi not having turned up, Luke arranged to meet with David High and a couple of others. Notable as David High confirms Luke was just his 'normal self' and also wearing the same clothes as at school, earlier in the day - including his green bomber jacket.

Sgt George Thomson - Day 1

Sgt George Thomson - Day 2

Sgt George Thomson - Day 3

- Insight regarding Luke and Shane's police interview, alias 'interrogation'.

DC Michele Lindsay - Day 1

DC Michele Lindsay - Day 2

- A Family Liaison Officer, assigned to  the Mitchell household and to whom Luke provided a detailed map, illustrating an alternative route Jodi might have taken, ending up in the crime scene clearing.

It is a remarkable achievement in only some six months, since a realisation that despite vehement assertions otherwise, the trial transcripts were, in fact, available to all.

The associated background is documented here:

The current transcripts can be accessed via:


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