
Showing posts from September, 2024


Quoting various newspapers as references, it begins with a plea for potential witnesses to come forward: 'The Mirror' 15 July, 2023 'THE family of murdered schoolgirl Jodi Jones will face the world today and beg for help in catching her killer. Jodi's mum, Judy, is still too traumatised by the loss of her daughter to speak publicly about her death. But two of her sisters - Jodi's aunts - have bravely agreed to make a TV appeal for witnesses". (End of extract) Consequently: 'The Guardian' 16 July, 2003 "Detectives hunting the killer of Jodi Jones today said that they have received reports of the first possible sightings of the teenager on the night she died. (...) Two independent witnesses have now contacted police about seeing a girl who fits Jodi's description on Monday June 30. They also told officers they saw a man walking closely behind the girl along Easthouses Road, towards the entrance to a path where Jodi's body was later found. (..


Revisiting this article from previous blog: 'Sunday Mail' 2 August, 2003 _JODI COPS STUDY MANSON DVD; Officers say killer may have watched film_ THIS video nasty by shock rocker Marilyn Manson is being scrutinised by detectives hunting the killer of teenager Jodi Jones. The film - called Doppelherz - shows the Goth star taking a girl bound to another girl into the woods in darkness. Police yesterday confirmed the images could hold vital clues as they hunt the 14- year-old's murderer. One officer said: "We think this film may have special significance and it is being looked at. "There is a belief that Jodi's killer may have watched it." The film shows the partly naked girls in distress struggling to free themselves before Manson and a henchman tie bags over their heads. The screen fades to black before their lifeless-looking bodies are dragged away. The pounding soundtrack features Manson singing: "I'm a canvas that bleeds and I'm painted with


I had bookmarked a few of these, as they feature reported evidence, which is sometimes of particular note and possibly not well known: *WARNING* This might be upsetting. 'The Mirror' 2 July, 2003 _Battered and butchered.. Jodi's death shocked even the hardest of detectives; HUNT FOR KILLER_ The area was covered in so much blood and her body so mutilated that she was not instantly recognisable by her heart-broken family when they found her. Officers had to rely on Post Mortem results to confirm her identity. (...) Police chiefs confirmed last night that the tragic teenager's body was found lying next to a stone wall within earshot of several houses. (End of extract) 'The Mirror' 2 July, 2003 Golfers from Newbattle Golf Course have their own pieces of the jigsaw - reporting a running man, a fleeing figure. (End of extract) 'Sunday Mail' 6 July, 2003 _JODI KILLED BY PERVERT; Police say tragic girl confronted sexual deviant as she walked through woods_ SCHOO


It seems to have been DS Craig Dobbie, in a press briefing next morning and circulated by the Press Association: Press Association The Guardian Tue 1 Jul 2003 12.29 EDT _Police shocked at violent murder of teenager_ The body of a murdered teenager was found by members of her family shortly after she went missing, police said today. Detective Superintendent Craig Dobbie, who is leading the investigation into the killing of 14-year-old Jodi Jones, told a press briefing that she was found in a wooded area behind a school in Dalkeith, Midlothian, by relatives who had alerted police to her disappearance. "It's one of the most violent crimes I have experienced in my 28 years as a police officer," Mr Dobbie told reporters. He said Jodi had left home at about 5.30pm and had been due back at 10pm. When she Failed to return, it is understood her mother phoned around friends before contacting the police. (...) "We would particularly appeal to anyone who uses this path, or was n


Quoting Corrine Mitchell's initial, related, statement, as given to DC Michelle Lindsay, on 6 July, 2003 and read out in court: When I got home Luke was in the kitchen first of all. Luke then strained the potatoes and mashed them. At that point I think Shane came in and I could smell the pies in the oven and I asked one of them to take them out, commenting that Luke had overdone them. (End of extract) Shane's statement, as given to DC Michelle Lindsay, on 7 July, 2003 and also heard in court: I went into the hallway, I shouted out hello and went straight upstairs to the bathroom to wash my hands. I was only upstairs for 5 minutes and came straight back down. Afterwards I went downstairs into the living room and then through to the kitchen. ( ...) Luke was standing at the cooker mashing the tatties... I could smell burnt steak pies. It was a tinge in the smell. I said alright to Luke. I didn't mention the burnt.. the burning smell as I didn't want to insult him. (...) (E


We know that DC Michelle Lindsay, was appointed Family Liaison Officer (FLO), to the Mitchell family. Related trial transcripts confirm that when appearing in court on 20 December, 2004, DC Lindsay's testimony included the following dialogue: Were you there the next day, Wednesday 2nd July? That's correct sir, And on the Wednesday when you were present, was there a news item on the television concerning the death of jodi Jones ? That's correct sir. And did you see that in the middle of the house? I did see it. And was Like Mitchell present at that time? He was sir. And did you speak to Luke about the content of the news programme? I did. (...) (End of extract) Resulting from a point of law being raised by Donald Findlay QC, acting on behalf of Luke's defence, the proceedings were carried over  until next day and continued as follows: Was there a news item on the television? That's correct sir. And did the news item concern the killing of Jodi Jones? It did sir. Alri


On Monday 30 July, 2003, at approximately 5:45 p.m., Rosemary Walsh was driving along Newbatttle Road, accompanied by her brother's partner, Lorraine Fleming and heading towards Newtongrange, when a male spotted against a wooden gate, caught their attention. It was a 'five bar' gate, situated on the right-hand side of Newbatttle Road and slightly further along, on the left-hand side, was Roan's Dyke Path. Next day, they both become aware that a local schoolgirl', 14-year- old Jodi Jones, had been murdered. It was only subsequent to learning of the murder scene location and realising is was relatively close to their sighting, that they contacted police. On 2 December, 2004 and appearing as a trial witness, Rosemary Walsh confirmed, "I think it was a couple of days later". Should it have been Luke Mitchell, then it would necessitate crossing over Newbatttle Bridge and he clams never to have travelled further than Barondale cottages, situated before the bridg


The newly published trial transcripts from cyclists, Dean Houston and Grant Elliott, are of immense significance: Dean Houston and Grant Elliott Prior to this crucial evidence, we were reliant solely on the testimony of the other cyclist in the trio, Andrew Holburn, who described Luke as wearing a dark green, army style shirt and categorically, not a bomber jacket. Luke denied owning such a thing, until his mother, Corinne, purchased a German army shirt for him, shortly after Jodi's murder  Corinne, on the other hand, stated that Luke did own a German army shirt at the time of Jodi's murder and it had been taken by the police, amongst other items of clothing. The following is presently, purely an exercise These are the timings used and rounded up/down to allow for an approximation, which is hopefully easier to follow: 18 min from house to top of path or... 08 min from house to path entrance 10 min from entrance to top of path = 18 min 12 min from house to murder scene 06 min fr